Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Speak, Jaycee, speak!


Jim Thompson, leader of the Port Orange Scribes writer's group, has asked your favorite Jaycee Adams (as opposed to all the others out there using my name) to speak to his group about something I've been learning a lot about lately: blogging and self-promotion.

No matter what kind of artistic business you're engaging in - writing, singing, acting, painting, TV or movie making, miming - you need to get the attention of LOTS of people if you plan to live off it. There are lots of ways of doing this: blogging, social networking sites, getting into the news (paper, TV, radio, internet, telepathy), and being interviewed through the various media, to name just a few, and the more you use, the more people you reach, which means the more chance you have to make it big. I'll be going over these briefly, and then focus on blogging for three simple reasons: writers write, blogging is good writing practice, and you get to say anything you want to.

I'm all for doing the least work possible for the most gain possible, so when you show up, you're going to find out the fastest, easiest way to get known and get your work sold. Simply show up at the Java Jungle, 4606 South Clyde Morris Blvd, Port Orange, FL, second floor, at 6:30 pm on Wednesday the 17th, and Jim and I will take it from there.

I'll be discussing your options for self-promotion. Much of it will be about blogging - where to get a blog, how to design it, what to write about, how to get readers, how to get help, and so forth. But I'll also be talking about how easy it is to get media attention for your work.An internet presence is a critical component of success, and I'll be teaching you how to build it and manage it with the minimum effort possible.

For those of you who haven't been to Jim's group, he discusses how to be a better writer, conducts writing exercises to help you stretch your skills, gives you a chance to practice your quick, attention-grabbing introduction, and critques writing. If you have any interest in being a professional writer (or even just a hobbyist) and you can make it to Port Orange, they meet on the first and third Wednesdays.

Jim has two books published under the name J. W. Thompson, and has a series of three more on the way. He's all about helping others get published.

See you there Wednesday the 17th!


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