Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The 'Israelification' of airports: High security, little bother


I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of all the crap involved in flying somewhere, and I don't even fly! The long waits, the unnecessarily invasive body searches and scans (which are getting leaked), the reliance on shaky technologies and people who don't follow procedures... it's enough to keep my feet on the ground.

Enter Israel.

Israel is a tiny country that you'd think would take about 5 minutes to drive through, much less invade. Surrounded by enemies who cravenly and hypocritically send their followers to suicide, you'd think it would be impossible for Israel's airports to do business at all. And yet, they're the very model of efficiency, with an extremely effective, non-invasive security.

Read this to find out why. Then push your lame-ass Congresscritter to put aside his bribes from the people who are co-opting him or her into ruining this country and SERVE his constituents for a few minutes. Saving the airline industry by using common sense security procedures is a much more effective and much cheaper way to create new jobs.

Mine, John Mica, seems to have this issue in order, but I'm still probably going to write him and tell him what I think. Though we must complain when something is wrong, we must also compliment when something is right. It's called feedback, and our leaders need it to lead effectively. If the only voices they hear are from special interest groups bent on world domination, who do you think is going to benefit most from policy decisions?

While you're telling your Congresscritter exactly how best to represent your interests, tell them to stop exempting themselves from laws and stop ripping us off.

Did you know Congress has their own health care plan? They don't have to worry about Obamacare.

Did you know that Congress can vote themselves a raise any time?

Did you know that you need only serve ONE TERM to get retirement pay for the rest of your life? Even the military makes you serve 20 years, and they pretty well control your life that whole time. Try finding that anywhere else.

Did you know Congress can adjust the boundaries of the voting districts to make it easier to get re-elected? It's called Gerrymandering, and it's cheating us out of our right to have new representation when the old representation stops representing us.

Did you know Congress loves to tack on extra crap to important bills to get things passed that no one actually wants passed? They take an important bill, like one designed to provide paychecks to the military, and tack on some weasel rider about funding a study on whether rats can fart in a microwave oven. Because the President can't line-item veto, he looks bad if he vetos the whole bill, so we spend millions of dollars to find out if a rat can fart while being microwaved.

Our governmental leaders - not just Congressmen, but also governors, mayors, and other elected officials - have got WAY too much power to vote themselves bread and circuses. They've got WAY too much power to break laws, even drunken driving and manslaughter, as Ted Kennedy and Sonny Perdue can tell you.

If Congress can pass laws that affect us, WE need to be able to have a say in laws they pass which affect them. I propose that if Congress has or wishes to acquire a power that we the people don't have, then WE THE PEOPLE should be allowed to vote on whether they get it or not.

Want a salary hike for being a lame-duck? We the people will decide. Want immunity to drunken driving laws? We the people will decide. Want to collect a pension after only 2 years of "service"? We the people will decide. Want to be exempted from a health care plan that will DESTROY America? We the people will decide.

These people NEED to be held accountable for their actions or they'll run rampant... like they are now. These people are supposed to be there to keep us from voting bread and circuses for ourselves, but the closest thing we have to the ability to keep them honest is the threat of electing someone else in a few years... who then will do the exact same thing. I think it's time we realized that, despite George Washington's best wishes, even the educated, professional politicians are corruptable and we should start imposing proper limits on them while there's still a country left to live in.

This is simple accountability, folks. Impose it. Expect it. It's your right. It's your responsibility. It won't happen unless you make it happen.

And if you think you can ignore this by avoiding airplanes, public safety can be compromised anywhere, not just on an airplane.


1 comment:

  1. just throw more money at the problem instead of using common sense----Can't wait until my nude photos hit the net---lol

    JW Thompson



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