Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dear Mel Gibson


Dear Mel Gibson,

I know recently you've had some troubles, and people like Jay Leno making fun of you just makes it worse, but I'm here to tell you that it's not as bad as it seems.

Yesterday I saw something that, if true, looks like you were having a nervous breakdown, caused by something that none of us would ever have thought someone like you could suffer from. We here in the real world see people like you having a bad day and some of us think you deserve it, while others can't comprehend the pressures you're under, and still others wonder what could possibly be so bad that you'd feel unable to face another day.

I am not (yet) a household name like you are, so I won't claim I know exactly what you're gong through, but I am here to tell you that, if I'm right, you have a very common affliction, and it is curable. It's very easy to cure, in fact.

Judging by what I read, if it was really something written by you, you suffer from a lack of self-esteem. You don't see yourself the way the rest of us see you. You don't think you do anything all that special. You don't think you deserve so much praise from so many people. I know what that's like, Mel. I know what it's like to have an incredible gift, and think it's nothing special, and put myself down. I know what it's like to be afraid to let it show just how special I am for fear of offending someone without that gift.

Does Mel Gibson have any heroes? Any sports figures he thinks are talented? Any fellow actors he admires? Any one at all who does something he doesn't think he can do, and so appreciates it when someone displays that talent? Perhaps you admire my writing talent. Perhaps you think I'm the best writer you've ever had the pleasure of reading. Perhaps I make you happy, and if given the chance, you'd thank me for being here, for inspiring you, for brightening your day. Would it pain you to know I don't share your opinion of me? Would you be surprised to learn I think my writing sucks?

The truth is, of course, that my writing is pretty good. I get compliments on it all the time, a dozen times a week, sometimes publicly on my site, sometimes in front of hot babes, and sometimes privately. People like what I write and the way I write it. Not everyone, of course, but those opinions don't count.

And people like to watch you on the silver screen. People like the movies you make, whether you're in front of the camera or behind it. Believe it or not, Mel, people admire you for your accomplishments, and people like you for who you are as a person. I don't know you as a person, but my sister says you're responsible for saving several lives, and I know from reading about you recently that you've made an important difference in the world.

Mel, idiotic jokes like Jay Leno's will eventually find someone else to fall on. Don't worry about him, his opinion doesn't count. Let yourself see you the way the rest of us see you. We look up to you, whether you like it or not, and we do it because you've done something worthy of that respect.

A lot of people go through their lives and do nothing of substance. A lot of people have incredible gifts and do nothing with them. You are someone who matters, Mel Gibson. You are someone who uses his gifts to help others. Please believe us when we tell you this. It changes your life when you start accepting compliments and ignoring insults and realizing that you really are someone special. I know from personal experience and I can also refer you to other people I've helped to realize this simple truth.

The power to be in love with life is within you. You need no special permission from anyone, be it the lowliest comedian to the highest deity, YOU and YOU ALONE have the power to be happy with who you are. Drugs won't do anything for you. Self-pity won't either. Getting angry won't. You have to decide to be who you are.

Thank you for making a difference to our world, Mel Gibson. Please continue to do so.

- Jaycee Adams

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