Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Did you vote?


Because, you know, it's that day. If you haven't cast a vote, you've voted for the winner, whoever it is. Way to go.

I probably should've started my political campaign sooner than right now, but it only occurred to me that if you don't like your candidates, you could use me as a write-in vote. I'm pretty sure I can't be accidentally elected since I haven't registered to run for any office, but I do make for a good protest vote, and if I did get elected, I bet I could do a better job than most people we've got in office. I'm certainly qualified to be President, or at least I am since the last election.

So, guys, with all the speculation that the Democrats are heading for a reckoning, what do you guys think? Are we throwing the rascals out of there? And will the rascals we replace them with be any better? Will we have to throw THEM out in a couple years too?

In other news, Californians should be relieved to know their economy is going to pot. Perhaps literally. Yay, American products! Let's keep American pot-growing jobs! I'll bet ya, though, that if it passes, there'll be plenty of imports taking away jobs here. We get all our other drugs from foreign countries, it's only a matter of time before we're too lazy to grow our own pot, since, you know, we'll all be wasted all the time.

That something like that is even on the ballots, I'm pretty sure it's a sign the terrorists have won. Or that the apocalypse has started. Or maybe both.

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