Sunday, September 12, 2010

What we mean when we say we will never forget


What we mean when we say we will never forget

I don't know how it could be said any more succinctly.


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1 comment:

  1. I am fortunate in that, when I was in the Navy, one place we sailed the Bataan (LHD5) to was New York City. We docked at Staten Island and walked up to the ferry and took it to Manhattan, and the first place I wanted to go was the World Trade Center. Thankfully it was easy to find!

    The observation deck was at the 106th floor, though on some days they would let people out on the roof. Too bad that wasn't one of those days. Having been in the Sears Tower and TWO John Hancock Centers - one in Chicago and one in Boston - getting to go outside in a tall building was an exciting prospect.

    Because of the poor weather, the visibility was poor, but the Statue of Liberty was clearly visible, as was the Empire State Building, which I went to a little later, and DID get to go outside. Unfortunately the weather was awful the whole time we were there - a couple days - so there was no better time to come back and try again.

    That was a good day.

    Everyone says New Yorkers are rude, but I didn't meet anyone in those two days whom I wouldn't have invited to lunch with us. They were very helpful in giving directions or just plain chatting. And any time I've been through there since then, they've been fairly polite about letting me get into the lane I needed to be in.

    I spent yesterday remembering what happened nine years ago, and reflecting on how lucky I am. I got to see such a grand city, to visit those beautiful towers, and to meet so many friendly people.


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