Monday, September 13, 2010

"The The Impotence of Proofreading," by TAYLOR MALI


"The The Impotence of Proofreading," by TAYLOR MALI

This is a short video presentation. It's pretty funny, but technically I wouldn't term it as safe for work.

Reminds me of a couple years ago, back when I frequented forums a lot more than I do now, when I got tired of all the horribly misspelled posts I had to read to get to an idea. I finally created a short saying that summed up my feelings pretty well. Then some over-sensative idjit said I was being "offensive". Here's the full text of what I was trying to say:

"If reeding you're techs tis all-most tore-chore fore pea-pull, pleas bee shore two ewes thee rye-towards too right hear inn thee four-umms; its aweigh too lettuce no ewer knot uh more-ron. It snot sew vary harred two due atoll. Thang-queue."

I'm so bad, as my friend Natalie will tell you.

It also inspired the You Might not Know how to Write in the English Language article, and their follow-ups.

Hey, while you're here, buy something from Amazon with one of these links. You don't have to buy what I'm linking, just go to Amazon through the link and buy something.

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