Friday, January 22, 2010

The power of "but"


We've all done it. We've all said something like, "I'd like to exercise more, but I don't have the time." Or, "I'd love to get a new car, but I don't have the money." Or, "I'd like to make it to the next level of my career, but I'm afraid of having to pay my dues again, or I might fail."

'But' is a powerful word. It cancels out what comes before it. Why not put the power of that word to use for you?

I can't count how many 'but's have held me back, but they're not going to do it any more.

I'm scared to change, but I'm going to do it anyway.

I'm going to be embarrassed when I screw this up, but I don't care; I'd rather do it and say that I lived than not do it and have nothing to say.

Amazing, isn't it? I used to let my fears of both success and failure hold me back, but I don't do it so much any more, because every time I notice I'm chickening out, I say something to myself and then 'but' it out.

'But' out your bad 'but's, and see what a difference it makes! In the coming months, I'll be bringing more of these little gems that have helped me change my life, and putting many more of them into my book. It might not sell well, but I don't care, I'm going to do what I can to help anyone who has decided they're not going to settle for less than the best they can be. I've got several students already, and now you're one too. Congratulations! Now get out there and be your best!

This article was partially inspired by this recent post.


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How to Talk Like a Trucker
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