Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flash Fiction is all the Rage


In my quest to become a writer, I've discovered a lot of interesting things about the industry. One of the avenues of learning I've come across is something known as a writer's group, or a critique group. The one I discovered today introduced me to something really interesting called Flash Fiction. Essentially, you're given 10 random words and 15 minutes in which to write a coherent story that incorporates as many of those words as possible. I thought it was a pretty interesting exercise, and it got my creative juices flowing immediately.

Want to participate?

Here are the 10 words I was given:


Now take 15 minutes to write out a short story that incorporates as many of those words as possible. Then post it in the comments! Best story will win a fabulous no-prize, the kind which Stan Lee used to award.

I'll post my entry in the comments, so you can write your own without being unduly influenced.


P.S. To help me pay the bills, after you've posted your story, click on one of these links and buy something from Amazon. It doesn't have to be what you clicked on as long as you click one of these links. Thanks!



  1. Okay, here's what I wrote. The other 9 people there wrote completely different stories, each unique and interesting. Some of these are published authors, and I think my entry compared well with theirs.

    His sterling reputation on the line, the ever-flamboyant Bill Williams waggled his eyebrows for attention. “You have something to say?” the chief of police whined.

    “This man did not hang himself,” Bill asserted.

    “How do YOU know that?” the chief protested.

    “Simple: This man had far too picky a personality to tie a knot so sloppily.”

    “How do you know THAT?”

    “Look at how neatly arranged his apartment is; his clothes, his shoes. Not a trace of dust or disorder, and when I met him last night, his grammar and pronounciation were precise.”

    “Ah, I see what you mean,” the mayor flattered Bill’s ego. “So who killed him?”

    Bill smiled craftily. The police chief barely suppressed a groan. Bill said, “You’ll have to submit a much more innovative payment offer if you want me to tell you that.”

    I had a fun time reading that, too.

    Now it’s your turn. In the future, I’ll probably bring a few more of these, and of course, I’ll be posting a few more examples of my writing.


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