Friday, March 4, 2011

A Dry Feet Shower


I'm not an especially hairy guy, but I've got some, and over the years I've lived here, I've managed to clog the sink and bathtub a few times. Good ol' Liquid Drano bails me out every time.

However, a couple months ago, when I had to do my annual Drano ritual, it didn't work. Neither sink nor tub would drain, meaning it took extra effort to clean my shavings out of the sink and I had to stand in water during my shower. The liquid form of Drano failed me, so I tried the gel. It had worked last couple times, but this time it too failed. I tried that new dual-Drano, you know, the foaming one that's supposed to be super-effective.

Didn't make a dent in it.

I didn't know what to do! I'd spent about $30 without result. With both drains clogged, surely I'd need to call a plumber to run a snake down there. I hemmed and hawed and thought about it for a while, doing my best to withstand the horrid tragedy of having to stand in water during a shower.

Finally, I broke down and asked my dad what I should do.

Next thing you know, he shows up with a bottle of some other brand of liquid drain cleaner. It looked like it was industrial strength. He poured some down each drain, and 15 minutes later ran water down, and sure enough, it drained! Yay!

Now my feet can stay dry in the shower and I can easily rinse out my sink after a shave. Now if I could just get this stupid low-flow toilet to flush properly all the time...

In other news, tomorrow at the Daytona Beach library, we've got a guest speaker, Vic DiGenti! Exciting times! Hurry on down, the meeting starts at 12:15, and we'll probably be going over to Stavro's about 2:30 or so for the after-party. Weather-permitting I'll be riding my motorcycle in celebration of my county-wide birthday party, which the locals affectionately call "Bike Week". People come from all over the country and all over the world to wish me a happy birthday. Get in on the action! Get me one of these for my birthday!


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