Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bruce Lee's Goals


Pick up any book about improving your life and it will tell you that you need to write down your specific goals. Most people don't quite get the point; if they write their goals at all, they're usually pretty nebulous. "I want to be rich and famous." "I want to be happy."

What does it mean to be rich? Having a dollar? $1000? A million dollars? A billion?

What is happiness for you? Crushing your enemies to dust? Waking up in the morning? Eating anything you want any time you want?

You know who Bruce Lee is. You know what he's done. But Bruce Lee didn't just happen into fame and fortune, he worked for it. He set goals and focused on achieving them. Don't believe me? Here's a copy of Bruce Lee's goal statement, written in 1969.

Can you did what Bruce Lee did?

Absolutely you can!

Maybe you don't want to be the best martial artist in the world, maybe you don't want to be the most famous person in the world, and maybe you don't want to have $10 million in your pocket within the next 11 years, but you can still make definite goals and work toward them. Write down exactly what you will have and what you will do and what you will be and when it will happen. Read it every day. Believe in it and in yourself. Work toward it. And it will be yours.

BTW, Bruce Lee wants you to hit the LIKE button at the top of the left column.


Further reading to pique your interest:
You are What you Consume
I'm Totally in Love with this Lady
Centennial Celebration
Got Lobstah?


1 comment:

  1. This is a popular post so I added a tweet button for you guys.


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