Sunday, May 15, 2011

Something Big Coming Up


You've probably noticed that lately, I haven't published as much as I usually do. Things have been pretty busy with my writing, updating some of the site's content, making new friends in the Ohio Police Department, and a couple other projects that may change the world, so I haven't deluged you with as much excitement as I normally would in this particular channel. And with something new coming up for the next few weeks, I'm still going to be a little rare for a little while. I'll definitely have some interesting stuff for you, it just won't be quite as frequently as you're used to until next month.

Before I sign off for the day, I've got something special for you coming up in the morning which will keep your gigantic brains occupied until I can be here full time again.

See you soon, and thanks for all the support!


  1. I am just so freakin' lazy! I haven't forgotten about this, I'm actually somewhat busy with my writing. When the bug bites you, you go with it! If you've read elsewhere, you know I took a trip to some pretty fantastic places. I just haven't gotten around to posting the pics and describing the journey, but I will.

  2. Forgot to come back here and let you know: I've started writing and posting about the journey. We too a trip out west to Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon, and got to see a lot of other great things along the way. Here's a link so you can read along:


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