Monday, August 2, 2010

Maps are freakin' awesome


Right here is your handy dandy list of places I've been. Call it an improvement over this map, plus I can update it fairly easily. Hopefully you can all see it without difficulty, and the link works the way it's supposed to. Let me know if you can't.

It's hardly all inclusive. Really what I should do is create a map showing the interstates and major highways I've been on, since I only drove through most of these places.

45 states, 11 countries, 3.5 continents. And probably 90% of the US interstate system. The only part of Mexico I've been in is Tijuana, but I've been within a stone's throw of many miles of the US-Mexico border. Not so with Canada - I've only been to Niagara Falls, didn't really go exploring, and other than that and when I was in Vermont earlier this year, I haven't been within miles of the border.


Further information you may find interesting or helpful:
Maps Maps Everywhere!!
Free Wifi Hotspots Accessible to Truckers
Solar System - Sun


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