Saturday, July 31, 2010

Today is Polycast Day


Greetings, y'all! And welcome all you dang foreigners from other countries. Dear Lord, be with our guests and prepare them for the butt-whoopin' they are about to receive! - Jeff Foxworthy, Intro to the Redneck Games.

I'm so excited! Today is Polycast Day, and I'll tell you more about it in a minute.

I should be congratulated because I'm finally caught up on the ebay shipping debacle! Last weekend I sent three boxes of goodies to paying customers, and somehow the post office managed to undercharge me, so instead of just sending the boxes on, they spent more than the difference to send them back, which, of course, cuts into MY costs and credibility too. And since I was out all weekend, I didn't have any way to take care of it until Wednesday. But I did manage to get them in the post, with the proper postage this time, and thsoe of you who bought box-games from me will be getting them soon. (They have NOT come back here, so they must be getting shipped.)

Also, I may have found a replacement to get the rest of my stuff listed. I was hoping she'd be coming over this morning, but I haven't heard back from her yet. She came over yesterday to check out the size of the job, then provided a BRILLIANT solution to the problem.

The problem with having someone else do the listings is that either they have to come here and spend all day doing the job at my place, which is a distraction for me, or they have to take the books to their place, which opens me up to the possibility of having them stolen. One possible solution I came across was to get a deposit, but it feels a little silly to ask for $200 from someone I'm hiring.

What she came up with was to just take pictures of everything while she was here, and then take them to her place and do the listings there.


So even if she ends up flaking out on me today, I'll have a much more attractive solution to the problem for the next person who responds to the ad.

So yes, folks, the rest of my stuff WILL be going up soon, probably with pictures. There's only a couple things up right now, but that WILL change SOON. Stay tuned to my auction listing page!

Next up, I finally have a business card! Email me and maybe I'll send you one. Then you too will be able to find out what I'm doing for a living that's convinced me I no longer need to hold on to a bunch of games I haven't been able to play in over 6 years and is helping me to change my life even more.

And finally, what you've been dying to hear, today, one of my Canadian buddies, Daniel "DanQ" Quick, is doing a LIVE Polycast show. Why live? Because it's the 100th episode! Join the celebration of this major landmark, and bear witness to some exciting special events, most of which he's not telling anyone about until the show starts.

Dan does a bi-weekly podcast in support of his favorite computer game, Civilization 4, and he calls the show Polycast. I've appeared on 3 shows already - the third one is due for release any day now - and it's a blast to be a part of it, plus it's really interesting to see how good he is at editing. If you listen in to the show today, you'll get a sense of what it's like to record one of these shows, and then if you listen to an episode - I think he intends to do an editing job on this one and release it, just like any other - you'll notice that he does an AMAZING job. Dan really should do this professionally, he's that good at it. Please join me in doing everything possible to encourage and support him in this.

Dan also produces TWO other podcasts, also related to Civ4. I'm not 100% sure he does the editing for them, as he's not a regular on them, but he probably does.

Click here to attend today's LIVE 100th episode extravaganza, which will run from 1:00 pm EDT to 3:00, and may run a little long since he's never done a live show before.

Click here to see his list of episodes. Even if you have no interest in Civ4, the first 5-10 minutes and the last 5 minutes or so are usually pretty funny. Intros are everyone's chance to (try to) be funny, and he tacks bloopers and stuff on the end.

Click here to see the official announcement he made on CivFanatics and a few of the responses. (He's got another announcement page somewhere with a lot more traffic on it, but I don't know where it is off hand.)

Thanks for stopping by! I'll see you later.

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