Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wanted: low-maintenance nose


Every morning I wake up and I have to blow my nose. After every meal, I have to blow my nose, especially if it involves spicy food. If there's dust in the air, I have to blow my nose constantly. I'm definitely thankful I don't have to suffer much in the way of allergies, but I'd still like to not have to mess with all this mucus all the time. Does someone out there have a low-maintenance nose I could use for a while? Or at least do you know some way I can reduce how often I have to blow it? It's always those ineffective blows, too, that really get me, or worse, those times I blow and there's blood and now I've got to stop and let the bleeding stop.

So if you've got a low-maintenance nose, or some way to reduce the maintenance burden of this nose, please let me know. And who knows, maybe I can overcome all the noes for the right nose?

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