Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Curse cookies!


Man, cookies are evil! You know how I went 3 whole months last year without any serious sugar, right? Did really good about it, and then WHAM! Out of nowhere came a craving. Well, after my birthday I again decided to do without. This time I only made it a month before someone started stuffing cookies and chocolate and cinnamon buns down my throat like there was no tomorrow. Yesterday especially, someone really wiped out my ability to resist freshly-baked, chocolate chip cookies, and I'm forever going to be mean to her for it. Or at least for the next 5 minutes.

When you have a serious addiction to something you don't want to be addicted to, you've got to be a lot more proactive in overcoming that. For the most part, I don't even buy the damned things. Other people buy them, and then they're just THERE. Habits can be defeated by replacing them with other habits. Sometimes I make a point of eating a couple dried apricots before I go into a situation where I might want sweets. A big glass of water helps too. And having something else to think about other than "must not eat cookie" is the best. I went 3 months without a serious threat to my no-sugary-crap diet just because I didn't think about it. I can do it again. And I will, very soon. I'm not going to wait for some momentous occasion, either.

A lot of people wait to quit smoking until they've finished the pack, but as soon as that pack is done, they go get another one. If you want to quit, quit NOW, and to hell with the rest of the pack.

In other news, I've got a new website domain name bought and I'm getting some design work done. I've got several prospective clients lined up so that hopefully next month or the month after, I'll launch the thing and soon afterward we'll be taking over the world! Can you imagine what it would be like to be able to go to one single website and get all the information and products you need without having to search the whole internet for it? Me either, but I'm going to come pretty close to creating it. That's what's taking all my free time right now.

I've got the fourth part of the Health series almost done, and will probably get time to post it early next month. In the meantime, thanks for your support, and thanks to those of you who have contributed.


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