Monday, March 1, 2010

Got Lobstah?


I feel like I'm pretty well traveled, having just recently upped the number of states I've been to to 45. For a long time, I had been waiting to get into South Dakota, and a few months back, I finally did it. There was a time a couple years ago when I was in Minnesota and I had to go to Montana, and I had to choose between North Dakota or South Dakota as the way to get there. I figured with all the driving I was doing, it would be harder to get to North Dakota a second time, so I went that way. I had no idea it would take about 3 more years before I got into South Dakota! I only nicked the corner of it, though, and only because I went a little out of my way to do it.

Then a few weeks ago, I finally got to go somewhere else new. I love seeing new places, and I haven't been in hog heaven like this for a long time. First, they sent me up through the Adirondacks to Lake Champlain. I've never been in that part of upstate New York before, and I figured that, since I'd never been closer to the northeast corner of the USA than Boston, looking at Vermont from across the lake was all the closer I was going to get to it.


Next thing I knew, they wanted me to go to Maine! Woo hoo!!

So I continued up to the Canadian border until I got to within a mile of it. There's a bridge across the lake there, and you can see Quebec from it. Then I headed down through Vermont, then across New Hampshire and the White Mountains, until finally I reached Maine. Just in the Adam's apple part of it, not the face or the head.

Unfortunately, lobster was out of season when I went through, drat the luck! But at least I got to miss out on the snow storms that raged on to the south.

For a good 48 hours, I was in Terra Incognita, and it was awesome! Knocked out 3 new states in one fell swoop. Now I just need to get the northwest corner and my collection of continental states will be complete.

Haven't gotten around to updating my list of places I've been yet, but I'll get to it in a while. I've been pretty busy lately. For the most part, they've been keeping me busy, which is good. Surprising that it's been somewhat good; apparently the economy is recovering.

All right, that's all I've got for you for now. Tune in later as I continue with my serieses.


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