Thursday, November 19, 2009

Brain Dump!


Okay, I just loaded some of the content from previous renditions of the site onto here to see how they look and how well the blog functions. At some point I'll try to get pictures posted too, but until then, you'll have to use your imagination. I've got a lot more stuff to add, and since my helper isn't exactly helping, I'm looking for another one. You guys have no idea how hard it is to find people who are at least marginally computer-literate AND who have free time to help you out! Those of you who rely on a friend to fix your computer for you, be thankful for them.

In other news, right now, I'm in the middle of nowhere in Texas. I'll tell you all about it...

Ah, Texas. The best thing I can say about the state is that the rest areas have free wifi. Sure, it logs you out every hour or two, but that's better than the absurdity that is currently what Kentucky puts in its welcome centers, or should I say, unwelcome centers? 15 minutes of free access, and then you MUST buy access. Yeah, that's nice. Just enough to make sure the connection exists and then swap emails. Of course, most places don't have any wifi at all. Come on!

When I was out in California for a few days to try and get one of my stories made into a movie or TV show, I occasionally needed to stop and use the internet, and I can't believe that pretty much EVERY motel out that way charges for what every other motel gives you for free. What, $150+ a night for a hard bed and a tiny room isn't enough?

I'd like to give a shout out to my buddies Steve and Kari and their kids, who were all kind enough to show me around and make me feel welcome (even though they didn't have room for me to sleep at their place). And another shout out to my cousins who DID have room for me to sleep at their place, and showed me around San Fran.

Last item of business before I get some sleep: Happy birthday to my sister! She celebrated the anniversary of her 25th birthday a couple weeks ago (not saying which one), and I wasn't able to post about it until now.


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