Monday, October 19, 2009

Webster's Rejects


Do you remember the unusual word definitions from Reader’s Digest, Boy’s Life, and Cracked many years ago, published as if they were jokes? One of these magazines referred to such definitions as “Daffynitions”, others used some other name, but really, these words have been around for a long time, long enough that Noah Webster, author of the first dictionary, considered and rejected them. I have collected these for many years, and I now unleash them all on an unsuspecting public.

I originally created this around 2000, and posted it on my site a couple years ago. I occasionally find new words that need to be added, but there are plenty I don't add. I don't add the thematically-based ones, like "Log-on: add wood to the fire, Log-off: remove wood from the fire, Mouse: a critter that eats your food" etc.

Click here to go right to it!


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