Sunday, July 19, 2009

Stony King - 2009


Many famous and interesting people have had brushes with me that served to skyrocket their careers to new heights. If they hadn't met me, chances are you never would've heard of them. Sure, many of them were famous before they met me, but that's just how awesome I am: I can improve your career before you've even met me!

I've known Stony King all my life: literally. That’s my cousin, and we consider each other brothers. Stony has only recently started his singing career, and that's why I say I've met him in 2009, but he’s always had the fire in him as a great singer.

For those of you who don’t know who Stony King is, or why you should all idolize him, take a look at this video of one of his performances. He's sent me a few recordings of his songs, and I may get a chance to post them some day, but right now I'm having a hard time even figuring out how to post my pictures!

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