Monday, February 28, 2011

Tim Ferriss - Four Hour Body, Four Hour Work Week


Tim Ferriss, my new hero, has released his second book.

The first one, Four Hour Work Week was filled to the brim with fantastic, practical advice on how to get more out of your time, reduce your workload, and enjoy life. Unfortunately, even though millions of people have read it, only a sparse handful are mentally ready to accept its truths.

His new one, Four Hour Body, makes 4HWW into a jealous older brother. Want to lose 20 pounds in a month while eating all the junk food you want, and no exercise? Tim tells you how. Want to build 20 pounds of muscle in a month? Again, Tim's your man. Become a body builder, even? Tim Ferris has you covered.

You'd think with information like this, everyone would want to carry the book. However, Costco yanked them off the shelves. Why, you ask? Because the book also tells women how to achieve a 15-minute orgasm.

We don't want them doing that, do we? Nay! Women must never realize their capacity for unlimited enjoyment of sex! The horror! God help us if they were to start exposing their ankles!

Whether you want to drop fat, add muscle, learn how to enjoy sex, get better sleep, reverse injuries, or just run faster, if it has to do with improving your body in a simple and easy way, Tim Ferriss tells you what nobody else wants you to know, including straight talk about anabolic steroids and other drugs. (Hint: You can build muscle faster WITHOUT illegal drugs than you can WITH them.)

There's something in this book for everyone who wants to take their health seriously. It's important. And Costco doesn't think you're adult enough to handle it. (Which, unfortunately, is true for about 80% of the population.)

Some of the incredible, easy tips for weightloss which you can try out RIGHT NOW include:

1. Putting an icepack on the back of your neck and upper shoulders for half an hour when you're relaxing during the evening. Couch potato heaven!

2. Taking pictures of what you eat. You don't have to count calories, you don't have to stop eating it, you just have to take a moment to take a picture of it. For greater effectiveness, show the picture to other people.

3. Sprinkle some cinnamon in your coffee before you eat a meal. (No more than a teaspoon a day!)

4. Simply eating slower and drinking plenty of water as you eat. Scarfing down your food sabotages your weight loss attempts, as does inadequate water in your stomach for digestion.

5. Make a "cookie log". You don't have to stop eating them, just mark down on your calendar every time you eat a cookie, or whatever other bad-for-you thing you're trying to eat less of.

One guy lost weight by simply tracking his weight. That's right, every day he weighed himself and wrote it down and charted it. He didn't change anything about his diet, and over two years he lost about 25 pounds.

That's six tips right off the top of my head that ANYONE can do RIGHT NOW.

For dieting fans, Tim also has what he calls a "slow carb" diet. You try it out for a week, and then you get a cheat day when you can eat anything at all you want. You only have to have enough willpower to delay eating your favorite junk foods to that one day a week. Anyone can put junk food aside for a few days, knowing they'll be allowed to eat as much as they want later, right? And better still, it's important to your weight loss that you DO eat as much junk food on that one day as you can!

But that's just for starters.

Tim Ferriss takes a minimalist approach to the hassles of life; he's always looking to do the most with the least effort, and you'll find so much useful information in his books, you'll wonder why they aren't the size of an encyclopedia and why they don't teach this stuff in Kindergarten. Tim experiments constantly, and he has tons of connections to get things done. Tim gives you what no one else does because no one else has investigated as much as he has. No one else questions the "facts" so thoroughly, nor has the resources and determination to find out what the real facts are.

I've spent the last few days digesting the first parts of the book, which are about weight loss and muscle gain. I've been putting ice on the back of my neck each night and trying to get myself in the habit of eating slower. I already drink a lot of water. I haven't started tracking things, and I haven't gone on the diet yet, but I plan on doing so soon. Last year I managed to hold back on regaining the 50 pounds I lost the year before, but so far this year, I've been slowly losing my battle because I haven't been as active while it's so cold.

That's going to change, and real soon. And the Four Hour Body is going to help me.

A little bit of the information in Tim's book, particularly the muscle-gain ideas and some of the sex stuff, I already knew from other reserach and experimentation I'd done last year, so I'm pretty confident that the rest of the book is solid gold. Meanwhile, get your copy now and have the pride of knowing you have a banned book in your hands!

(Note: other than the pittance Amazon gives me when you buy something from them through one of these links, I have no ties to Tim Ferriss.)


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Monday, February 21, 2011

I'm Totally in Love with this Lady


I want to share with you my privilege of having known and loved a very special lady. She's full of life, vibrance, excitement, brilliance, and beauty. She's completely amazing in every way. Songs have been written about her. Men have studied her, wooed her, fought over her. Everyone wants to be a part of her story. Every day I'm in awe at having the honor to know her as intimately as I do. I want the whole world to be able to share in the joys I've known!

In her youth, she really came into her own. The whole world could see what she was capable of, the promise in her future, how much possibility lay before her. She made a difference to many lives then. And today - still a young lady - she continues to touch innumerable lives. Everyone who loves her is proud of her generosity and spirit.

Upon taking a glance at her history - the causes she has fought for, the ideals she symbolizes, and the charities she supports - even the half-educated can see her unlimited potential to change the world. She has, in fact, already done much to make the world a better place.

Recently, however, she seems to have lost her way.

She's made some poor decisions, forgotten some of her most important principles and ideals, and even begun neglecting the very people who made her great. The times have been hard on her too; she seems to have stopped believing in herself. Many of her friends and those she has helped have turned their backs on her or even turned against her. Her enemies are more determined than ever to embarrass her and strip her of her accomplishments. Some say she's lost her nobility, that she has committed wrongs for which she seems either unaware or unrepentant.

But even though I may become extremely frustrated with her actions and the way she sometimes treats me, I love her more than anything. I can forgive her misfortune, mistakes, and transgressions because I know she's trying to do the right thing. I know she can still make a difference. I know she still has a grand destiny, which God gave her. I believe in her.

All she needs is a little guidance. Someone to show her the way. Someone to stand up for her and say, "I will make a difference. I will show her the way. I will restore her honor, reclaim her future, for now and forever. I will do whatever it takes to make her the best she can be."

Do you know who Carl Schurz is? He's the one who said, "Our country, right or wrong! When right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right." Born in Germany, he immigrated to the United States, fought in the Civil War as a Union general, and eventually became the first German-born American to be elected Senator. He had some very high ideals, the kind which pretty much define what most people think of as patriotism. It's no wonder we've all heard the above quote and understand the sentiment behind it. It's a shame we don't learn in school anything about the man who coined it.

Too often, we look at ourselves and think we're not good enough to do anything. We think we can't make a difference. We think there's too much gone wrong. But that is exactly the mindset our slave-masters want us to be in. They want to keep sucking dry the Land of Opportunity until there really is nothing left here.

Will we let them, or will we say, "Enough is enough?" Will we just put our heads down and let her fade away into nothingness, her name and great deeds forgotten, or will we stand up and make a difference?

It is within us all to make a change, to choose to make a difference, and it's as simple as making a difference to the people around you. I used to think I couldn't make much of a difference. Sure, I helped someone now and then, but I didn't really feel like I'd changed lives. Eventually, however, I realized that I DO make a difference to everyone around me, all the time. We all do. Often, because we don't realize the effect we have, what we share isn't what we wish to be known for.

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear ShadesWhatever our attitude is, that's what other people absorb from us. If we're pessimistic, if we're sarcastic, if we're cynical, that affects the people around us in a negative way. It depresses them and makes the world a worse place. But once we're made aware of this effect we have on people, we can choose to stop focusing on the negative and realize that the world really IS a great place to be, that people really ARE basically good, and the future really IS bright. If we allow ourselves to see the good, we will see it. The world really is what we make of it.

Upon realizing how much effect I have on people, I chose to be a more positive person. Not only do I make it a habit to catch my cynicism and replace it with a more realistic, positive worldview, I also actively make an effort to bolster and inspire the people around me. I want them to know I believe in them, that they can be more than they've been fooled into thinking they are, that they can make a huge difference in the lives around them, whether they're a restaurateur, a famous Hollywood actor, or a world leader. I expect the best of them, and I'm rarely disappointed. You can do the same. Make a change within yourself and you'll make a change in everyone around you. The effect will spread, and before you know it, we'll have restored a great lady to her full potential.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Mathematical Proof of God


LARGE PRINT EDITION Authorized King James Version Holy Bible for Kindle (With Kindle Audiobook Technology) Best Selling Bible of All Time (KJV) Full Old Testament & New Testament (ILLUSTRATED)Hey everyone, I've been a little preoccupied with my fiction writing and other studies this past month, so I didn't get much done website-wise. I've also been monkeying around a little with Facebook, and I've got an article on the way about how evil it is. I'll probably continue to be rare for another month or so, and then I'll be back in the swing of things, with some new people I've asked to Expose Yourself, and even some additional writing staff, so you can get more points of view than just mine. Anyone who's got something they want to contribute to the 5 millionth-most popular website (out of approximately 255 million sites on the internet, so we're in the top 2%!), we are considering submissions.

Today I was made aware of a mathematical proof of God and I felt I needed to stop the whole world and share it with you. They were kind enough to make it very simple for regular people to understand, and they even made a Youtube video out of it.

At first, we're treated to some interesting symmetries within mathematics that you have to see to appreciate. No math skills are necessary to understand them. Then, they start doing what's called "alphabet code" to show you some interesting things about some common words and ideas about how to get ahead in the world.

So first, here's the video, and then I'll tell you what I think of it:

Mathematical Proof of God video

Okay, so they use alphabet code to "prove" the following:


Everyone get that? If you didn't watch the video, you might not understand where these numbers are coming from. See the video and you'll understand how these values were arrived at with "mathematical certainty" to prove that the love of God is 101%.

Okay, so since we're all thinking people here, let's take a look at this critically.

The most popular comment so far is:


That got me thinking. Is bullshit really more than the love of God? Can't we just say


and now God wins? But what if:




We're using the same rules, aren't we? So this isn't the "mathematical certainty" we were promised, unless God really ISN'T real, since that's got a higher score. Can't have proof He doesn't exist when we're trying to prove He does, can we?

Let's look at something else.

1 + 2 = 3, true? However, 1 dog + 2 dogs does NOT equal 3 cats, true? Of course. We can't add together different units. It's basic math that we can't add bare numbers together and arrive at a percent, so there's no mathematical certainty here either.

If we want percentages as our answer, we have to add percentages together. However, if you've ever been to a double-discount sale and saw a 70% off sticker, and the cashier takes an additional 30% off, you still had to whip out your checkbook and write a check, didn't you? Let me explain that a little better so you understand why it's important.

French Connection Women's Dani Crepe Dress, Bronze, 6Say there's a double-discount sale going on at Sears. They're clearing the whole store so they can clean the floors. You're looking at a $100 dress. (Or, if you're a guy you're looking at a $100 Craftsman toolset.) They're marking things down big time. 70% off everything, with an extra 30% off at the cashier.

70 + 30 = 100, right? However,

70% off + 30% off is NOT 100% off. It's actually 79% off. You're still going to pay $21 for that dress (or toolset). It's not free.

However, the example I gave is for a DISCOUNT. There's a difference between adding PERCENTAGES and adding DISCOUNTS, but it was the easiest way to demonstrate that not all math is simple addition. I'm not going to explain how to add percentages, just believe me when I tell you that this supposed "mathematical proof" of God is looking more and more like the work of a charlatan than of a true believer.

The Thinker - * Sale * Ships Immediatly !!You cannot prove or disprove an all-powerful being like God. Only He can do that because God has the power to define reality and exist outside of it. This is not unlike the ability for an author to create an entire universe and exist outside of it; the characters in his story cannot possibly reach him or understand him. Attempts to usurp a power only God possesses is a fool's errand at best, and arrogant blasphemy at worst. If God felt we needed indisputable proof He exists, He would provide it. People who try to 'prove' God with such easily dismissed 'proofs' come off as con men seeking to part fools and their money. This damages the credibility of those who are seeking to share the Good Word. We don't force our neighbors to convert, we don't attack disbelievers, and we definitely don't hoodwink those we wish to convert. Honesty is the ONLY policy.

There's a reason "Jesus freaks" are giving Christianity a bad name. A few more friends like those and we won't need our enemies any more. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car, and flapping your lips doesn't mean you're saying anything worth hearing. How about instead of shooting ourselves in the foot with ridiculous "proofs" of God and resisting every bit of science, from the world being round to the Theory of Evolution, that we instead embrace the gifts of intelligence and critical thinking God gave us?

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